Letters from Igniza

Convey Meaning within Symbols

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0 is Zero. Zero to None

Before we count, we start with one (1). Nothing more or less.

But what is before 1? It is zero.


CARDINAL NUMBER 1. No quantity or number; nought; the figure 0; 1.1 A point on a scale or instrument from which a positive or negative quantity is reckoned. 1.2 The temperature corresponding to 0° on the Celsius scale (32° Fahrenheit), marking the freezing point of water; 1.3 Linguistics The absence of an actual word or morpheme to realize a syntactic or morphological phenomenon; 1.4 The lowest possible amount or level; nothing at all; 1.5 short for zero hour; Informal A worthless or contemptibly undistinguished person.

VERB [with object] 1. Adjust (an instrument) to zero; 2. Set the sights of (a gun) for firing.

(Source from Oxford Dictionary)

0 is zero. 0 is the numeral symbol of zero.

But, do you see anything or nothing? Continue reading